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5 Things About Erica O'Connor-Buckley of Mumtribe Ireland


Time for another chat with a fellow mammy and this week I had a good old natter with Erica, the woman behind the fast growing Instagram phenomenon called Mumtribe Ireland.

A way for mums to chat and support each other in between their busy lives, it’s been a huge success so far. Check it out over on Instagram and Facebook Pages

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1. Tell me the idea behind Mumtribe Ireland and why it’s becoming an Instagram phenomenon amongst mamas

I’ve never thought of it like that! I had the idea to set something up for mums when my son was about six months old. I had been to some baby groups which were lovely, but I never felt like I could have a meaningful conversation with another mum because we would be focused on our kids and it’s hard to try and chat with someone in a small window of time. I also realised that becoming a mum flips your world upside down. I missed the social side of my life and I wanted to try to improve that. One evening I sat down and set up @mumtribeireland on instagram. I thought to myself if I got 50 followers it would be fantastic. I posted content that was relevant to me, talking about life as a mum, and soon I was having conversations about those topics with these amazing women all over the world.

I have so many ideas that I want to develop, but the main one at the moment is our #mumtribemeetups where once a month mums and children meet for a play date. I always choose somewhere that’s child friendly and everyone’s in the same boat so if a toddler has a meltdown we all get it. But because we have already chatted previously you don’t feel like you need to rush a conversation. I’m also going to have an adult only #mumtribemeetup which I can’t wait for!

2. If you could give new mums just one piece of advice, what would it be?

I always say ‘mind yourself.’ That can mean different things to people, but it boils down to taking time to really look after yourself, even if it’s just to have a cup of coffee while the baby naps. Just take some time to give yourself a break, no matter how small. It can make such a difference to your day.

When I was a new mum I felt unbelievable pressure to have a spotless home and baby, always have myself done up and while everything looked amazing on the outside, on the inside I was riddled with anxiety. I never really relaxed, I was always busy doing something which resulted in me being exhausted and stressed out. Not ideal when you are massively sleep deprived and a bag of hormones!

3. What is the one major thing parenthood has taught you about yourself?

Not to be so hard on myself. Being a mum can be so stressful sometimes and it’s taken me almost two years to realise I need to go with the flow because the more I worry the harder a situation can become.

4. If you could take off your mummy hat for an entire day and just be you again, what would you do?

I often daydream about having ‘one day off.’ I’d lie in, drink hot coffee and not have to share my breakfast. Then I’d walk through my spotless house admiring all my lovely breakables that are still intact.

I’d go shopping for myself, have some spa treatments and maybe even spontaneously leave the house after 7pm.

Or I’d stay home and cook a leisurely dinner while watching something I like on TV. Then I’d stay up past 10.30pm because I’m not even tired!

Who am I kidding? I would be in a heap not knowing what to do with myself pining for bricks to stab me in the foot and the latest episode of little baby bum!

5. Finally describe motherhood in 5 words.

A new chapter in life.

© 2017 Niamh O'Reilly

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