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  • Niamh

Banana Pancakes

As my little dude is getting to grips with more finger food, I’m finding it hard not to reach for the pre-packed style of rusks, biscuits, rice cakes and wafers. They are super handy, especially if he just wants something to chew on, but I wanted to make something simple and quick, yet fun for him to eat and play with that wasn't shop bought.

And voila, pancakes!

These ones are super easy to make and if you’ve got overripe bananas hanging around which I often tend to do, then it’s a great way to use them up!

I’m going to add blueberries next time too.

1 ripe banana

1 tablespoon of self-raising flour

1 egg

½ tsp vanilla extract

Optional – blueberries, raspberries etc.

Mash up the banana in a bowl until it’s really soft.

Break in the egg and combine.

Then add in the vanilla extract, the self-raising flour and stir.

It should be quite thick and airy looking.

Throw in the fruit if using and fold in gently.

Next, heat some sunflower oil or unsalted butter in a pan.

Ladle in a tablespoon of the batter and allow it to cook until you see small bubbles on the surface. This means it’s ready to be flipped.

Cook for an equal amount of time on the other side and then serve.

They keep well in the fridge for about 3 days max.

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