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5 Things About... Maia Dunphy


Time for another chat with a fellow Mammy, in our '5 Things About Mammy' series. This time we pick the brain of blogger, author, broadcaster, television producer and all round fab gal Maia Dunphy with our fast 5 questions. Maia’s new book The M Word is on shelves now and don’t forget to visit her blog of the same name where you can find her musings on all things motherhood.

Fancy being featured? Then send me an email.

1. As A Busy Mum How Did You Find Time To Sit Down And Write Your New Book, The MWord?

I won't lie, despite it not being Booker Prize material, it wasn't easy! Nearly half of it was made up of blogs I had written weekly for the previous year, so they had to be edited, alongside the new material which I wrote whilst Tom napped. My Mum took him for several days before the deadline so I could get it finished. Because my husband is based in London, I am effectively a single mum most of the time, so it's difficult to get anything done some days.

2. If You Could Give New Mums Just One Piece Of Advice, What Would It Be?

Ignore most advice! Ask for it from people you trust as and when you need it. Most advice doled out to new mums comes a mixture of nostalgia and regret, neither of which are helpful. Sometimes you don't need to know certain things in advance. Certainly the number of people who told me how difficult motherhood is when I was pregnant wasn't helpful at all!

3. You’re A Woman Of Many Talents – Writing, Blogging, Presenting, Producing, Which Is Your Favourite And Why?

Not so sure it's many talents... it may be more a Jack of all trades! As a freelancer in media in Ireland, you really have to do more than one thing. If I could, I would write full time and forget all the other elements, but they are part of parcel of a bigger picture.

4. If You Could Take Off Your Mummy Hat For An Entire Day And Just Be You Again, What Would You Do?

Like any mum, I'd like to sleep for a week! But aside from that, travel was always my big thing. But I don't think it necessarily has to stop altogether (although the price of family holidays in summer makes my head spin). I have a vague plan to take Tom out of school for a year when he's 7 and taking him around the world. Home schooling at 7 is doable isn't it?!

5. Finally Describe Motherhood In 5 Words.

Exhilarating, heartbreaking, transformative, exhausting and simply lovely.

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