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5 Things About Mary McCarthy


Time for another chat with a fellow Mammy. This week I had a chinwag with Mary McCarthy owner of CameoPops, about running her own business, feeling like a bit of a ‘mombie’ at times and how her family are her rock.

Are you a mamma that fancies being featured or know one who does? Then send me an email.

1. As a busy mum of 2 young children how do you find time to run your business Cameo Pops?

A lot of late nights. I can definitely be described as a 'mombie'. In saying that the kids are very good. My little girl is in her second ECCE year and my son, even though he is like a koala, lets me get work done on my laptop during the morning. My phone is essential it allows me to check emails while I’m out and about with the kids. My husband is also very good, he takes over in the evening meaning I can get cutting on my silhouettes. Family are great for when I try to meet with people during the week. I have had to bring my son to a few meetings but it’s hard to concentrate properly when your praying your boy won’t break something. I’m a type of person who suits being busy which is essential when it comes to running your own business.

2. What is the one piece of advice you'd give to a brand new mum?

Do whatever works for you and your baby. Be it breast or bottle, soother or none, co-sleeping or cot, PJ’s all day (for both of you!) or new outfits all the time.

3. Cameos are an unusual thing to be creating these days, where did your love of this vintage craft come from?

It was my one of my nephews who inspired me. He asked me one day to draw a picture of him and I said I’d do one better and cut out his profile. The second I did it I was in love with what was created, it really represented my nephew’s cheeky persona and showed his true reflection. I felt like I had put a modern twist on a timeless classic.

4. If you could take off your mummy hat for an entire day and just be you again, what would you do?

I might have put the most thought into this answer! I would wander aimlessly around Cork City, with numerous coffee breaks and purchases in between. I would then go to the art gallery and be in love with the marvellous art on display. Then a walk down to Fitzgerald’s Park to read a trashy magazine and eat ice cream. Then back to Town to get my hair and nails done for meeting up with some friends for dinner and drinks.

5. Describe Motherhood in 5 words

Bedlam. Life-changing. Illuminating. Smiles. Sacred

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