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5 Things About Mrs C From Mummy's Whine Club


Time for another chat with a fellow Mammy, this time I had a great chinwag with fellow mummy blogger, Mrs C from Mummy’s Whine Club, who it turns out I might just have a teeny bit of a mum crush on!

If you haven’t checked out her superb blog yet, then make sure you do as it’s packed with wit, heart and truth, I love it!

Fancy being featured? Then send me an email.

1. As a busy mum of 2 boys, how do you find time to write your fantastic blog Mummy’s Whine Club?

Finding time to write is hard. There are never enough hours in the day but I try and do a little while my youngest naps and then the laptop comes out again when they both go to bed. More often than not the blog is cast to the way side as Mr C. complains the computer is getting more attention than him!

2. If you could give new mums just one piece of advice, what would it be?

As a new mum I wish someone had told me I was doing a good job, it's a surreal experience becoming a mum for the first time. The idea of being a Mummy is nothing like the reality so my advice would be trust in yourself, you're way better at this than you think you are.

3. What is the one major thing parenthood has taught you about yourself?

Parenthood has taught me I need to live more in the moment. We are always thinking life, will be perfect when... But actually we are living the perfect life now. That sounds corny doesn't it!? But today isn't going to happen again, tomorrow they will be a little bit older and rely on us a little less. The first steps have been stumbled, now they run, the first words stuttered and the eldest has used his last nappy. If I could, I'd live these days forever.

4. If you could take off your mummy hat for an entire day and just be you again, what would you do?

Gosh I'm not sure I even remember me before Mummy. If I wasn't Mummy for the day it would have to be a date day! Imagine being able to stay in bed till 10am (ha!). Get up shower alone (if you want!) and spend the day shopping, lunching and boozing with the special Mr. Returning home in the wee hours and not having to get up in the middle of the night to a boob hungry baby. You've made me think maybe I need one of these days! *searches for overnight babysitter*

5. Finally describe motherhood in 5 words.

Awesome. Overwhelming. Rewarding. Relentless. Incredible

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