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5 Things About Mammy - Tamar Henry

I don’t know about you but I love delving into people’s real life stories and finding out what makes them tick. In my time as a feature writer I’ve interviewed a whole host of names from the horse world beauty, fashion, travel and food. One thing that was lacking from all of those, was chatting about life as a parent! It just wasn’t on my radar… of course, now that I am a parent I’m fascinated to get under the skin of other parents and hear their stories.

So in that vein I’m kicking off a new series on the Mammy Blog called 5 Things About Mammy! (Or Daddy!) Yes you guessed it, it’s a quick delve into people’s parenting lives with 5, fun snap questions.

Fancy being featured? Then send me an email.

First up is wellness coach and mum of three, Tamar Henry whose new book Nourish hits the shelves both digital and real, now. The book tells the traumatic story of the health challenge that rocked her young son’s life.

And if you fancy getting your hands on a signed copy, then head over to our Facebook Page for details. Full competition T&C below. (This competition is now closed, the winners were announced on our Facebook Page)

What Motivated You To Write Your Book Nourish?

Nourish, A Modern Mother’s Guide to Child Nutrition was written in response to my own family’s personal health struggle and to answer the many questions I get asked from mothers and parents almost every day. In the first pages of NOURISH I tell the story of my first son’s ill health, my journey to become the health professional I am today, his subsequent recovery through nutrition and lifestyle changes, and my passion to help others. In my work and experience, mothers of all different ages, and from a diversity of backgrounds told me that health and nutrition information was often confusing, too medical or scientific and lacked clarity and a clear direction to support them. It is my very real hope therefore that NOURISH provides the modern mother with just the right amount of current (vital) information, to be able to make real changes for their family right away.

If You Could Give New Mums Just One Piece Of Advice, What Would It Be?

To enjoy the tiny moments that all too quickly pass you by. I remember with my first son that I was always waiting for the next stage to happen. For him to sit, to crawl, to eat, to walk, to talk, to run, to do this and that, my impatience was palpable. I soon realised that I would never get these moments back, and all at once I became a mother who watched rather than one who waited.

What’s The Best Part Of Being A Parent?

Undoubtedly it is the feeling of unconditional love. No matter how much that overwhelms me (and it does when times are challenging and life is unrealistically busy and fraught with three boys), I know that my love for my children will always prevail. I enjoy watching them try new things that scare them (like spellings and climbing tall trees) and I love to see them growing up and starting to make their own choices (respectful, meaningful and healthy choices) that as parents and role models my husband and I have helped to shape.

If You Could Take Off Your Mummy Hat For An Entire Day And Just Be You Again, What Would You Do?

I would sleep in (something I never get to do anymore), practice some yoga (without interruption ;-) have a long and lazy breakfast (which I adore), finish reading Anna Karenina (which up to this point is one of the greatest books I have ever read) and I just can’t seem to end, eat lunch out with friends (all of those who normally can’t because we have children at home), bake, read some more, talk on the phone with overseas friends (again, without interruption) and go to bed early Simple, perhaps a little boring, but sounds blissful to me.

Finally Describe Motherhood In 5 Words.

Challenging, intense, inspiring, momentous, rewarding.

Tamar is the founder of Henrys Health, a wellness coaching practice and online forum, dedicated to helping others become more health aware. NOURISH is available now on Amazon and Kindle. To subscribe and receive health updates go to Stay social with Tamar and her family on FB and Instagram. Coming soon on YouTube!

Competition T&C - Winners will be announced on Facebook. To enter you must comment, like and share the competition post. Prizes are subject to availability and will endeavour to be sent within 28 days. Prizes sent directly by the author.

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