Happy New Year fellow mammies (and daddies).
Can you believe it’s 2018? I know, I know, that’s such an Irish mammy thing to say… why you don’t make sure you turned off the immersion while you’re at it!
I’ve never really been one for resolutions… grand statements like ‘I’m going to swear less, eat better and take the stairs everyday’ tend to get broken within days if not hours of making them. This year however, I’m trying to set a couple of goals for myself because 2017 was the toughest year of my life and last January was spent battling the awful lows of post-natal depression and feeling completely overwhelmed.
With the help of my family and writing this blog, I managed to come through the fog into the light and while I still have a long way to go, I can honestly say I’m looking at 2018 with a fresh sense of hope and optimism.
So if the last year has taught me anything, it’s that you need to be proactive, you’ve got to try and grab life and make the most of every opportunity, which is why I’ve decided on two things. The first is to start a podcast based on the blog, and thanks to the hubby getting me a snazzy new mic for Christmas, I’m now up and running. The first two episodes are available on Apple Podcasts and Soundcloud. You can also listen directly from the blog too.
Why a podcast you might ask? Well here’s the thing, as a busy SAHM (stay at home mum) who also works from home, I have very limited time to sit down and read things. In fact, I’ve a stack of books that have been doing nothing but gathering dust since I gave birth in December 2016… simply put, I never get to sit down and read anymore, or at least very occasionally. But when it comes to the radio or Podcasts? Well those I would have on practically all day long. And so hey presto, the Mammy Blog Podcast was born.
It’s going to be a mix of chat about the topics that affect me, and I suspect most of you on a daily basis - the challenges, the highs, the lows… those times when you might want to scream into a pillow or question your very sanity or indeed laugh until you almost pee!
Each week I’ll tackle a topic and along the way I’ll also be speaking to other mammies to find out what makes them tick. If you’re a mammy entrepreneur, launching a product or service or maybe you’ve written a book or you are yourself a blogger and fancy chatting to me, then why not drop me a line ?
Ultimately, I want the Podcast to be both a support to other new mums out there who may feel overwhelmed or alone, and I also want it to be a bite-size few minutes of fun, away from the kids where mums can switch of and have a giggle too.
Oh and my second resolution? Well, I’m fiercely superstitious… so I’ll be keeping that one close to my chest for now, but as it takes shape, you'll be the first to know.