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  • Niamh

5 Things About Maria Rushe From The S-Mum Blog

Time for another chat with a fellow Mammy, this time I pick the brain of Donegal’s first lady of blogging, Maria Rushe of the popular S-Mum Blog .

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1. As a busy mum of 2 girls, how do you find time to write your fantastic blog The S-Mum?

It’s getting more and more difficult to find the time as my youngest is becoming quite the busy bee. I’m an early bird however, getting up most days at 5.30am as Himself goes to work. That’s when I write. I write in my head when I’m driving and jot down ideas in a wee notebook or on my phone when I remember. I write status updates and shorter pieces when the girls go to bed, usually just writing them on my phone as the dinner is on or when I’ve collapsed on the sofa!

2. If you could give new mums just one piece of advice, what would it be?

Do what is right for you and don’t worry about anyone else. What others think of you is none of your business. You don’t have to explain your choices to anyone; how you give birth, how you sleep, how you feed, how you anything! Mammy knows best when it comes to EVERYTHING. If your gut is telling you something, listen to it.

3. What is the one major thing parenthood has taught you about yourself?

It’s taught me that I can be fearless when I am the most terrified I’ve ever been. It’s taught me strength that I never knew existed, even though I might feel physically and mentally weak. (And that I need to work on my patience!) Sorry that’s 3 I suppose!

4. If you could take off your mummy hat for an entire day and just be you again, what would you do?

Ooooooh that’s a tough one. I’d go to the airport and get on a flight to anywhere and just wander around and sip coffees and eat and people watch, then I’d eat some fablis food, drink some grapes and find the biggest, softest bed and sleep like my babies! Without setting an alarm and without a babylink!

5. Finally describe motherhood in 5 words.

Giggles, wriggles, tears, fears and love.

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